In the world of potato peeling, you only need to know one name: Kiremko. Leading the industry for decades, your choice of the Strata Invicta steam peeler sets the standard for excellence. With Kiremko, you hold the best cards in your potato game.
You will reach the shortest steam times, superior peeling results with minimal peel loss, and top-tier material quality, utilizing deep-sea technology to ensure virtually no maintenance. Proven by our global customer base, with the Strata Invicta steam peeler, you have a Kiremko steam peeling system that stands as the best on the market.
Your Kiremko peeling line is the perfect starting point for an impeccable potato product. Innovation, years of experience, and valuable field feedback have enabled you to acquire a peeling line that ensures your success. In this way you can get the most out of your peeled potatoes.
Strata Invicta
The STRATA Invicta sets the new standard in steam peeling systems, offering the highest yield at the shortest possible cycle times.
It peels potatoes thinner than any machine, removing only the skin with a minimum of cooking ring! Fast, accurate and reliable, the STRATA Invicta will really steam things up in your potato processing line.

Dry brush machine
The dry brush machine will remove the peel after the steam peeling process. Rotating brushes will make sure the peeled potato remains smooth, while the peel remains are removed.
Our technology will ensure a vibration free, wear-proof and no-fault operation, also thanks to the proven gear-drive system. Cleaning is easy and maintenance intervals are rare.

PeelGuard is an optical measuring and weighing instrument that detects residual peels and the presence of dark, green or black spots. A potato with any defects is therefore identified.
This machine will ensure optimum monitoring of the peeling process. Once the peeling is complete with the steam peeler and dry brush, this machine will be used for the final stage of peeling.
PeelGuard increases yield of the final product by compensating for changes in peel thickness or peel definition. Using PeelGuard in conjunction with an abrasive peeler can result in peeling results that are tailored to your specific needs and making the most of your potatoes.

Abrasive type peeler
The abrasive peeler excels in its simplicity, efficiency and minimum footprint, guaranteeing smooth and clean results every time. Ideal for potato chips lines and other small scale potato processing lines.