Tex-10 former
The Tex 10 base-unit can be equipped with interchangeable forming units that let you create many different shapes. The Tex 10 is used to make products such as potato duchesse, croquettes and pommes noisettes.

Nex-Gem4 is an ultra-modern rotary former, which is provided with numerous extra features such as Simplified Straight Feed, Increased Production Capacity and Advanced Monitoring. Combined with one of the trusted features like 'Quick-Change Inserts', which provide very quick tool exchange without the need for special tools, this former stands for performance and dependable results.

Batch mixers are used to ensure maximum flexibility for producers of formed specialties owing to their wide range of recipes.

Hoegger separator
The Hoegger separator separates foreign material and colour defects and black spots from the finely cooked potato and process the potatoes into a smooth mash.